Memos - a private search engine for your photos and screenshots.
- Search for text across your entire photo library.
Take screenshots or photos of text you want to remember - Memos makes them searchable. Full-text search available from iOS search and in-app.
- Quick actions from within your photos.
Tap to copy text inside your photos. Additional actions appear for email addresses, links, locations, and phone numbers.
- Two taps to scan any photo, within any app.
Use the "Open in Memos" button inside the share sheet. Useful for photos inside messages and the browser.
- Bookmark your most important photos.
Toggle the bookmark filter to keep important things handy. For example: driver license, insurance policies, train schedules, etc.
- Fast and private, on-device processing.
Speedy processing on iOS 13, sped up by the fact that nothing leaves your device. Background processing is coming soon.